AIXM 5.2
AIXM 5.2 is the latest regular specification update, issued under the authority of the global AIXM Change Control Board (CCB), as explained in the ► Governance section of this site. This version fills the gap between the AIXM capabilities and the current aeronautical data requirements and practices. No conceptual changes are made in the model, which continues to comprise a logical data model expressed as UML class diagrams and an XML Schema, complemented by usage rules for Temporality, Feature identification and association, and the use of a Geography Markup Language (GML) profile for geographical data coding.
► AIXM 5.2 Specification [quick link -> AIXM 5.2 UML navigator]
Implementation advice
It is expected that AIXM 5.2 will be implemented progressively, taking into consideration the operational needs. The current specifications for the coding of the (ICAO) AIP, (ICAO) Obstacles and (ICAO) Airport Mapping data sets and for Digital NOTAM are based on AIXM 5.1.1. The new AIXM 5.2 version is being used for the development of the (ICAO) Instrument Flight Procedures data sets.
Summary of changes (from 5.1.1 to 5.2)
AIXM 5.2 brings changes in the following areas:
- support for satellite navigation (GNSS, SBAS, GBAS)
- alignment with the latest ICAO requirements for runway condition and characteristics reporting, Performance Based Navigation (PBN), etc.
- new technical capabilities such as use of unique identifiers for complex properties (AIXM <<objects>>)
All the changes made in this version are fully detailed here: AIXM 5.2 Changes. Each change description includes suggested data mapping between the previous AIXM 5.1.1 version and the new AIXM 5.2 version.