AIXM Web site updates
AIXM temporality concept
AIXM 5.2 – work in progress
AIXM documents, presentations, etc. are available in this library. They can be searched through category or keywords.
AIXM Web site updates
XM coordination
Interoperability issues
AIXM temporality concept
AIXM 5.2 – work in progress
AIXM CCB meeting hosted by Eurocontrol in Brussels, Belgium.
Main topics:
AIXM CCB relation with ICAO IMP and coordination with other XM CCB
AIXM interoperability issues/scenarios
AIXM 5.2 work in progress
Other AIXM-related developments
Initial set of AIXM 5.1 Business Rules
All the rules contained in this Excel file are considered as input for the new SBVR project. The rules will be step by step verified, updated to the new SBVR syntax and included in the succesive versions of the AIXM 5.1 Business Rules set.
AIXM Business Rules - draft version 0.3
What was new in this version
This was the first set of revisited AIXM 5.1 Business Rules, appying the new SBVR approach
AIXM Business Rules - draft version 0.4
What was new in this version
Corrections to phase 1 rules, based on feedback from stakeholders. Special thanks to Markus Haas (Comsoft), Volker Grabsch and Matthias Pohl (MClick), Wolfgang Scheucher (Solitec), Michael Clay and Michael Waltl (Frequentis),…