AIXM 5.2 - XML Schema (XSD)The AIXM 5.2 schema is available for on-line validation using the following URLs: copy of the AIXM 5.2 XML Schema is provided below for download:…

AIXM documents, presentations, etc. are available in this library. They can be searched through category or keywords.
AIXM 5.2 - Data Model (UML)The AIXM 5.2 Data Model (UML) is available here for download in two formats:in the original Sparx EA version 14 format (.eap). The content of this file can be browsed with the free "Enterprise Architect Viewer", which is available on the Sparx web site: "https://…
AIXM 5.1 Business Rules - version 0.9.1Version 0.9.1 is applied in EAD starting with Release 15.2 and comprises the following updates to the rules of the EAD profile:Rule IDChange typeIssueChange description397135, 1AC3CDnewPointUsage role versus SignificantPointInAirspace typeNew rule to…
AIXM 5.1 Business Rules - version 0.9.0
Version 0.9.0 is applied in EAD starting with Release 15.1 and comprises the following updates to the rules of the EAD profile:
Rule ID
Change type
Change description
AIXM 5.1 Business Rules - version 0.8.5
Version 0.8.5 is applied in EAD starting with Release 14 and comprises:
editorial corrections
additional rules in the EAD profile (meant to protect the backwards mapping to AIXM 4.5)
some changes to the error levels of the EAD rules
The following…
This online event, hosted by the AIXM Change Control Board (CCB), was focused on the changes made in the area of the Procedures model, including the introduction of new classes/properties for GNSS (GBAS, SBAS).
This online briefing was organised by the AIXM CCB. It replaced the AIXM 5.2 workshop originally planned in Brussels and which could not take place because of the travel restrictions brought by the COVID-19 crisis.
Regular AIXM CCB session, with two main topics on the agenda:
- UML to XSD scripts
- Change Proposals for Lot 2
AIXM 5.1 Business Rules - version 0.8
Version 0.8 is an update of version 0.7.2, compared to which it contains:
editorial corrections
additional rules in the EAD profile (meant to protect the backwards mapping to AIXM 4.5)
some changes to the error levels of the EAD rules
The following…
Regular AIXM CCB session, with the following agenda:
AIXM Temporality Concept version 1.1 - approved and released
UML to XSD scripts for AIXM 5.1.1 and AIXM 5.2 - update available for testing
AIXM 5.2 - change proposals ready and in development for the second lot
other AIXM 5.2 change proposals…